Bob Iger Returns to DISNEY

Bob Iger Returns to DISNEY


On November 21, Disney  announced late Sunday Bob Iger will head the company for the next two years.

Disney fans and his fans who respect his business philosophies need to know his total assets.

CEO of Disney is worth $790 million

What is Bob Iger's net worth?

The New York businessman started life making "$150 a week" at ABC back in 1974 as a studio supervisor aged 23.

How did he make his money?

Iger rose through the ranks at ABC in New York through sports, then he took a job as head of ABC Entertainment in 1986 according to Business Insider.

Bob Iger's salary as CEO of Disney?

As CEO of Disney, Iger made $65.6million in 2018 - $39.3m in salary and $26.3m in stock - according to Forbes.

Green Blob

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